International Company
The “International Company” presentation is a very standard set of slides, polyvalent and open purpose designed using soft and warm colors. We tried to keep it as simple and beautiful as we could.
This presentation can be downloaded as PowerPoint (.ppt) and be edited and store locally on your computer but you can also edit it directly in the cloud by using Google Slides, a Google Docs sections of their tools.
By using the Google Slide format you’ll be able to share your presentation and invite your team to help you with the editing, totally online, after just a few clicks. Don’t miss the flexibility of this free tool and we hope you also enjoy our free presentation. If you liked it, please share!
Color Palette
- Sapphire (#132a5a)
- Havelock Blue (#517eda)
- Silver Tree (#63c094)
- Pink Flamingo (#eb46ff)
This presentation couldn’t have been possible without the help of my favorite resource sites, so I have to credit all of them:
- Icons designed by Gregor Cresnar and downloaded from
- Photos taken from
- Fonts thanks to Google: Oxygen and Calibri
Our International Company free presentation template is:
- Fully editable. You can change any element in the presentation and customize it the way you prefer
- simple look / standard presentation / warm colours
- Examples of charts and graphs and devices placeholders.
- More than 15 slides.
- Compatible with Power Point, Google Slides, KeyNote, …
- From Google Slides UI you can export, copy or download this free presentation template.
READ THIS FIRST! You don’t need to request special permissions to use this template. Just follow these steps.